My dad had to be rushed to the emergency room. He was having difficulty breathing. The doctor’s said that he had some form of pneumonia, but they couldn’t figure out what type of pneumonia he had. His lungs were quickly filling up with fluid. His blood oxygen levels were extremely low so low that he should have been unconscious but somehow, he was still with us. My father’s condition was something his doctor had never seen before. He reached out to other doctors and specialist in the US and Europe. Not one could figure out what strain of pneumonia he had or how to properly treat him.
It’s 2:00 am
The doctor pulled my mom aside and told her that my father isn’t going to make it through the night. He advised her to notify the rest of his family. She called my dad’s sister, who lives on the east coast, it was around 6:00 am her time. When my aunt was told what was going on, she boldly declared, “My brother will not die!” When my aunt hung up, she got back on the phone and left a message for the school she worked for to let them know that she wouldn’t be in that day. She fell on her knees and cried out to God and began fasting and praying on my dad’s behalf. She told the Lord, “Father I will not move until you move in my brother’s life.”
10:30 am (Our Time)
The phone rings, it’s my mom with the news that my dad was going to be okay. The doctor’s exact words were, that he made a spontaneous recovery! To the medical staff, it was a medical miracle. To us, it was a sister’s faith in Jesus, our True Physician and Healer. The One who makes the impossible…possible!