Think Jesus

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy —think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV A young believer asked a group of us, “How do you think pure?” Like so many of us she was struggling with her thought life. Someone told her that she had to get her …

A Sister’s Faith

My dad had to be rushed to the emergency room. He was having difficulty breathing. The doctor’s said that he had some form of pneumonia, but they couldn’t figure out what type of pneumonia he had. His lungs were quickly filling up with fluid. His blood oxygen levels were extremely low so low that he should have been unconscious but somehow, …

A Prayer for Physical Healing

-Every promise is a yes and amen to the child of God. Heavenly Father, I pray to you today regarding your sons and daughters and their loved ones who are experiencing physical afflictions by the hands of the kingdom of darkness.  I pray this prayer of healing over your children and declare what has been decreed by You LORD GOD …

Jesus’ Divine Exchange

I have an investment tip for you: one with no risk and huge rewards. Your investment can be as small as a mustard seed, but I can assure you that your return will exceed your greatest expectations. Here’s my life investment tip, “For God so loved the world [insert your name here] that He gave His one and only Son …