I have an investment tip for you: one with no risk and huge rewards. Your investment can be as small as a mustard seed, but I can assure you that your return will exceed your greatest expectations.
Here’s my life investment tip, “For God so loved the world [insert your name here] that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16 insert/emphasis mine.
Belief is your investment, and Jesus’ divine Exchange is your reward. Here’s a quick snapshot of our investors, aka Believers, portfolio.
Your Sins and Iniquities > For Christ’s Righteousness
Sickness and Disease > Jesus’ Health, Sound Mind, A New Heart, Life and more Life lived abundantly.
Death and Separation > In Christ You’re sons and daughters of God. A New Creation on Earth and Heaven-bound.
Ashes and Despair > Beauty, Joy and Restoration
Sorrow and Pain > Jesus’ Comfort, Love and Peace That Surpasses Understanding
Your Poverty and Lack > God’s Riches and Grace
Your Brokenness > Jesus’ Complete Wholeness
I am an investor, and I can testify that this life-changing investment worked for me. I was once lost in this world. A prisoner to my past, mistakes, sins, and pain, until I met my Investment Holder and Savior, Jesus Christ. He pulled me out of the pit and showed me a love I didn’t deserve and didn’t think existed. Then I learned that Jesus loved me, even while I was still in sin, and invested in me when He laid His life down on the cross. From His view, I was worth it, even though I wouldn’t have invested in myself. So, I sowed my tiny mustard seed of faith, believing that Jesus loved me perfectly. By His grace, I was saved and set free. The best part is that this investment is irrevocable, unwavering, unfailing, and everlasting. It’s already been bought and paid for by the nail-pierced, Lamb of God. This investment is open to all. No experience is needed to invest, the only requirements are belief and an open heart.